Monday, December 11, 2006

Seven Weeks Pregnant

Nothing much going on today other then me just being tired. My hubby took this picture of me. I believe this is at 7 weeks and a few days and I am now 8 weeks and 4 days. Mostly its bloating but I am starting to have a tiny bit of of a baby bump. I wasn't a skinny mini before nor was I was chunky as I look now so there has been some real changes in my body.

Its pretty cool if you think about the miracle each woman is creating while pregnant. I got to see my sweet baby last week with my husband by my side. There the sweet pea was just sleeping and its little heart beating away. I did shed a few tears of joy and pure relief that everything is going just fine. I would of posted a picture of my sonogram, but the picture machine part wasn't working, so below is basically a replica of what I was able to see. The head was at the left with his or her little arms sticking up in the air. It was a miraculous sight. I can't wait to see my sweet precious baby again.

Friday, December 1, 2006


Went to a really fun CAPS game last night. They were playing against the Stars. James and I first ate near the Gallery at a Sushi place...I thought they would have normal things like fried rice...something a picky pregnant woman would
eat. I WAS WRONG! The sweet thing is that I
told the waiter what I wanted and then he went to the restaurant next door to get exactly what I wanted. I don't know too many waiters that would go to a different restaurant just go get a customer food.

After eating a great meal we trudged up into the MCI...well now Verizon Center and I was surprised to have the most amazing seating I ever had at a sporting event. We were right behind the goal line just a few rows back. I am used to the typical nose bleed sections, but this time my hubby really splurged on some great tickets : ) The CAPS ended up winning the game 4 to 3.