Thursday, November 30, 2006

I am in such a good mood today. Today officially marks my 7th week of pregnancy. I added a photo of a belly because as of now I don't have much of a baby bump. I honestly can't wait until
I grow some more and it will look more noticable that I am pregnant and just not fat : O

My all day sickness has stopped...for now. I still do get a bit sick in the evenings but I just think its due to me being exhausted from making a person. My sweet James has been great though. He has really stepped up and done everything I have asked for from him. He has cooked, cleaned, taken the dogs out and gotten things for me without hesitating or complaining. Sounds mushy I know, but I have to give my husband kudos for that. He truly is a wonderful man.

I also belong to this Babyzones board under the July 2007 Due Date Club. Its nice being able to talk with women that are going through the same thing that you are. The unfortunate thing is that so many are going through miscarriages. I really feel for these women that have to go through that. It also makes me scared I'll lose my little one at times, but in the back of my head I know that this little guy is going to enter my world on July 20, 2006. I really can't wait for that miracle to happen.

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