Tuesday, February 6, 2007

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Currently I am ending my 16th week of pregnancy and entering my 17th week. I am so excited about every little milestone. My tummy is getting larger and larger, but I still wish I looked pregnant to most people, but I guess I don't want to get too big too early because that means I'll just get bigger.

This past week I have really started feeling the baby move inside me. I read some forums and online information where a lot of first time moms don't feel their baby until week 20. I guess I can consider myself lucky in feeling the baby move so early. Its a wonderful feeling and it certainly is the highlight of my day each time I feel the miracle James and I made inside me flex his or her little arms and legs. I believe my baby is a morning baby as that is when I feel it move the most. I am typically not a morning person, but this is something I have started looking forward to. Its only been this active for the past two days so I guess I shall see if he or she continues this morning ritual. I just can't wait until the next milestone in where James can feel this baby move about. I try to get him to feel it now, but he can't feel anything quite yet. He will soon enough though : )

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