Friday, March 2, 2007

My House, My is moving along

It ends up that James and I did not get the last house we were looking at previously. It figures just as much b/c there was a better house in store for us.

We decided on the house (pictured on the left) would be wonderful for a first place and to start our expanding family. We were so thrilled when we were notified that we got the house as there were two other offers on the table for the place. I am so excited to move and start fixing up the place to my liking. Living in our cute apartment was nice, but there was nothing we could do to personalize it or improve it b/c it wasn't our place. Our closing date is March 22 and we'll be moving in on the 24th! I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another GREAT milestone is that yesterday I reached my 20 week mark of this pregnancy. I have grown so much over the last few weeks its unbelievable. People still say I look small but in comparison a lot of other girls with my height and shape look the same as I do. I guess people are expecting me to look like a hippo or something.

Also last night James came over and sat with me on the couch and felt my belly (which he really hasn't done in the past) and then started moving it as if that would make the baby move. It cracked me up b/c I was like the baby moves when it wants too! We both had a good laugh. THEN! He put his lips to the belly and in a very manly low tone he said "HELLO BABY". It still makes me swell with happiness and makes me laugh even right now. He's just so wonderful!

I guess my next entry in this blog will be an exciting one sharing my news of rather its a boy and a girl and all those wonderful baby photos that comes with it. I can't tell you how humble and just overjoyed I am with what God has gifted me in this life. I truly am happy.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

For this years Presidents holiday weekend James and I decided that it would be a great opportunity to do some house hunting. We were so siked to finally start looking for a place for us and our baby.

We first low balled the number and started looking at 10 places the first day. We were soooooooo disappointed by what we came across. Most of the housing were foreclosures, which after we got wiser meant the home is probably trashed. Each place we went to had some major problem associated with it. Either it was too small, too smelly (literally), or it was just too gross to even comprehend living in. The worst of the houses smelled of smoke, the carpets were severely stained, there was throw up in the dining room, the bathrooms were unmentionable and the master bedroom literally had people poop right in the middle of the room. I was mortified!

The second day we got a tad wiser, but still had faith in some of the bank owned homes just because the areas were slightly better. We looked high and low and even the best neighborhoods had some pretty horendous houses. I just can't see how people could be such pigs!!!!!!! James and I did wind up finding a decent home in Centreville off 29 that had a lot of the qualities we were looking for. However, it wasn't quite right for us. The famiy room was a little too small and it only had two bedrooms upstairs. We decided that we would wait and keep looking.

On the third day we got even more wise and just looked at houses that had great pictures and great qualifications. I was tired of finding things in the ghetto and/or owned by complete pigs. I found a house in Centreville that I just think is absolutly wonderful. It has everything we are looking for and then some. The only problem is that another couple is very interested in buying it and they too are first time buyers. This couple is also represented by the same realtor that is selling the house, so of coarse that realtor probably wants to make a hefty commision off of the home and not give up any of the money. We put a contract on the house and now we're in the waiting game. I hope we hear from them some time tonight. I hate suspense and its driving me nuts. I'd rather know even if its not the news I want to hear. We put in a good contract and wrote a nice letter to the home owners, so hopefully we had the better contract and we stand out just a tad more then the other people. We shall see. I am praying to God that he helps me out with this as it would mean soooooooooo much to me to own this house.

Cross your fingers! Pray like mad and hope for the best.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

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Currently I am ending my 16th week of pregnancy and entering my 17th week. I am so excited about every little milestone. My tummy is getting larger and larger, but I still wish I looked pregnant to most people, but I guess I don't want to get too big too early because that means I'll just get bigger.

This past week I have really started feeling the baby move inside me. I read some forums and online information where a lot of first time moms don't feel their baby until week 20. I guess I can consider myself lucky in feeling the baby move so early. Its a wonderful feeling and it certainly is the highlight of my day each time I feel the miracle James and I made inside me flex his or her little arms and legs. I believe my baby is a morning baby as that is when I feel it move the most. I am typically not a morning person, but this is something I have started looking forward to. Its only been this active for the past two days so I guess I shall see if he or she continues this morning ritual. I just can't wait until the next milestone in where James can feel this baby move about. I try to get him to feel it now, but he can't feel anything quite yet. He will soon enough though : )

Thursday, January 18, 2007

14 Weeks Today

Seems like a lot has happened since my last entry. James and I were able to hear the baby's heartbeat at just 12 weeks at 156 bpm. It was an amazing sound and its something I'll be able to look forward to at each doctors appointment. YAY!

I did have a scare this past week on Tuesday. I started having cramping on Monday and by Tuesday morning when they didn't go away I started really getting worried. I called the doctors office as soon as it opened and was relieved that they were very supportive and saw me right away. Dr. Brown checked me out and said everything looked good. The baby's heartbeat was at 160 bpm, which was normal. I was just so happy and so relieved to hear my sweet little baby's heart just beating away and just knowing it was fine. I couldn't begin to explain how worried I was.
On the bright side (other then hearing the heartbeat), my mother who took me to the appointment was able to hear her grandchild for the first time. She was all smiles in hearing my sweet baby.

I am starting to grow a bit more. I wish I had a larger baby bump, but that will come in due time. For now I just look a bit chunky in the middle, but at least its baby and not fat : ) I feel that I am starting to hit a growth spurt though...finally.