Thursday, January 18, 2007

14 Weeks Today

Seems like a lot has happened since my last entry. James and I were able to hear the baby's heartbeat at just 12 weeks at 156 bpm. It was an amazing sound and its something I'll be able to look forward to at each doctors appointment. YAY!

I did have a scare this past week on Tuesday. I started having cramping on Monday and by Tuesday morning when they didn't go away I started really getting worried. I called the doctors office as soon as it opened and was relieved that they were very supportive and saw me right away. Dr. Brown checked me out and said everything looked good. The baby's heartbeat was at 160 bpm, which was normal. I was just so happy and so relieved to hear my sweet little baby's heart just beating away and just knowing it was fine. I couldn't begin to explain how worried I was.
On the bright side (other then hearing the heartbeat), my mother who took me to the appointment was able to hear her grandchild for the first time. She was all smiles in hearing my sweet baby.

I am starting to grow a bit more. I wish I had a larger baby bump, but that will come in due time. For now I just look a bit chunky in the middle, but at least its baby and not fat : ) I feel that I am starting to hit a growth spurt though...finally.